Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Overinterpreting local weather as signs of global warming...

Yet climate scientists say they can't look at any one year and tell whether the odd weather reflects a signal of global warming. "It's just climate variability all over again," said Daniel Cayan, director of the climate research division of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla.....

Frank Gehrke, chief of snow surveys for the California Dept of Water Resources, said each year can be very different from the previous year and the following years. "We'll always have a year where things could be radically different irrespective of global warming. It's not like we're going to be suddenly uniform," Gehrke said....

--The San Francisco Chronicle, "Lack of Rain no Biggie Yet, Say Scientists," Jan 23, 2007

Watch for too-easy attributions of warm weather incidents to global warming -- notice also that only WARM weather gets this notation -- unusually cold weather goes by without the editorial tip o' the hat -- there seems to be no compulsion to "explain" "why" it's so cold in spite of global warming.... This is a good ongoing example of Ignorant Bigoted Journalism that isn't even aware when it's acting that way!

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