Monday, February 9, 2009

Three More Reasons to Oppose the Stimulus Package, Based on Statements By One of Its Supporters

I'll be posting a number of essays on why the stimulus package is a bad idea, why it won't work anyway, and what we SHOULD be doing. First, as a warmup, this from 'Hit & Run,'’s staff blog

Three More Reasons to Oppose the Stimulus Package, Based on Statements By One of Its Supporters

1. Any spending bill this Mama Cass-sized should first be read by the people voting for it in Congress and by the people who will spend the rest of their lives paying for it. Supporters of the stimulus bill call it a "seismic shift in the role of government in our society." Isn't it worth taking more than what, two weeks to plow through the details? The only people who tell you to hurry up and buy now are scam artists. We're not on the Titanic, for god's sakes. Any more than we were last fall when Hank Paulson was crapping his pants on an almost hourly basis.

Read the rest here.

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